The Rudd government's $10.4 billion (that's real billion, not American billion, which is a mere 1000 million, though with the Aussie dollar the way it is, it's a moot point) has started to make its way into the hands of a desperate populace. Actually, many of them may indeed be desperate, especially those in receipt of the $4.8 billion down payment on welfare reform.
But among the many needy low income families (anyone who receives Family Tax Benefit A), to whom the government has direcedt $3.9 billion, there are people like us. Frankly, we only look low income because federal tax regulations for not-for-profits (including churches) are so relaxed.
I've decided that the Rudd government has set a wonderful example. Since they so clearly believe that the ancillary political benefits of a $1000 handout for every child outweighs the implications that they've got nothing more important (and, oh, economy-stimulating) to spend the money on (like, hmm, hospitals, ahh, education, refugees...) than plasma TVs, you can follow suit. Free Money for New Lives will spend the money for you.
This is a fantastic initiative. And the beauty of it is, you don't have to feel guilty that you didn't dig in for the country and buy a new Blu-ray player. Money given to charity doesn't evaporate - they'll spend it on services, printing, counselors, advocacy and media. Completely in accord with the intentions of the Economic Security Strategy Payment (!).
And remember - every child saved is a new consumer.
(that's real billion, not American billion, which is a mere 1000 million)
I'm afraid the Yanks have won this battle, brother. In Australian English, "billion" refers to one thousand million (as it does in official UK documents now too, since 1974).
No, I think they won the war - we can fight more battles whenever we want.
Actually, being educated at an American international school in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, I always thought the Australian 'milllion millions' a needlessly confusing multiplier.
But sometimes you have to put it in for Queen and country. Or just country, since 1974, anyway.
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